Informations about CombiFuel®

CombiFuel Swiss AG successfully represented its vision and business model at the network meeting «Innovative companies / Moving Times – Energy and Mobility of the Future». On the 10th of November 2021, CombiFuel Swiss AG participated in the Innovation Forum Southwest in Binzen (Germany, Southern Black Forest region). On the basis of a keynote speech, […]

Energieversorger Rheingas und Kraftstoffsystemlieferant Prins fordern LPG zurück auf die politische Bildfläche

The joint project with Galliker Transport AG is taking shape. An interim report on the most important milestones.

Während sich alles um CO2 dreht, verbietet Deutschland eine andere wichtige Massnahme.

CombiFuel Swiss AG is launching a joint project in the field of alternative powertrains with Galliker Transport AG.